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Special Hiring Authorities

1. Select from among the following special hiring authorities for which you are eligible and want to be considered for:

The disability-related information requested is used solely in connection with affirmative action (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC] data collection) obligations or efforts. Identification of eligibility for any special hiring authority is entirely voluntary and information will be kept confidential in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. Section 791). Your refusal to provide the information will not subject you to any adverse treatment if you decline to provide it, and the information will be used only once with the Rehabilitation Act. (For additional information about Special Hiring Authorities)

Geographic Preferences

Maximum number of choices is limited to .

# State City/Facility

Applicant-Preferred Conditions of Employment and Federal Service

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA)

Please select the answer for the following knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to indicate your possession of the KSA in terms of the position for which you are applying.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that your work experience supports your answer. Your answer and associated work experience will be evaluated further to validate whether the answer that you selected is appropriate.
1. Ability to develop or modify advanced, innovative research techniques, methodologies, and/or processes.
Select the response that best describes your performance or use of the above question as it relates to the position for which you are applying.
2. Ability to access and apply automated systems, models, analytical tools, and databases.
Select the response that best describes your performance or use of the above question as it relates to the position for which you are applying.
3. Ability to analyze complex, unrelated, and at variance data from various aviation data collection systems.
Select the response that best describes your performance or use of the above question as it relates to the position for which you are applying.
4. Skill in communicating technical and non-technical information based on the needs of the targeted audience.
Select the response that best describes your performance or use of the above question as it relates to the position for which you are applying.